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3 ways to collaborate with us

I usually start by checking if we are working on the right problem. This requires adopting diagnosing thinking and systems analysis. While one can think of a number of technical “fixes” to any problem, a laser focus on building a resident culture would enable your organization to sustain desired changes in the long run. Or we can start from thinking on what impact your and your team are aiming at, and then working backward we can assess together strengths of your organization one can capitalize one, and identify areas of future growth.  

Diagnostic Thinking

Accurately defining all underlying issues of an organizational challenge is the only way to determine what goals are reasonable and where leaders should focus their performance-improvement efforts.


To learn new skill, register for a 2-day workshop, which is open to anyone who is responsible for solving problems within an organization. 

Impact Evaluation 

Evaluate organizational impact and co-create new knowledge and know-how. Working together, we will design an assessment tool and carry out an evaluation that will enable your organization to answer key impact-related questions:

  • What has happened as the results of your work?

  • Did you make an impact (intended or unintented)? 

Resilient Culture

Every organization is unique. I co-design every project with you, my client, to leave your systems more resilient and capable of sustaining changes within your organization and in the environment in which your organization operates. 


Key benefits of working with me 

  • Healthy working environment in which people perform at their best​

  • Better collaboration across the entire organization​

  • Ability to manage change through creative and innovative thinking 

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© 2011-2024 Khurshida Mambetova, Organizational Designer

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